I again send greetings from Simba Ulanga, he continues to go on in his ministry despite the continual persecutions. Thank you again to those who have helped Simba (family and ministry) out financially in the past. I may have shared this before about something that is on my heart. If you are reading this, you have received our updates telling about Simba Ulanga and his testimony. Due to the impact of his testimony on those who have read it, the Lord has placed it on my heart to have all of his notes translated from Swahili into English and eventually French. I have asked him if I could take the several hundred pages of notes, and begin this project. I am looking for two translators right now actually, and have talked with several who are interested. I believe it will take about 6, maybe 8 months. I would like to pay those who are actually translating, a salary. This work takes time, and without paying them, we will go through many translators, and this is not such a good idea. Eighty dollars ($80) a month would be a good salary for each translator. We do need a new or newer computer as well as a printer and a simple photocopy machine. There will also be a need for some basic office supplies. All of these are more expensive here than in the US. If we can raise $2,500 for the office and $1,280 as salary for the two translators for 8 months, we can get the job done. We have a small, extra little house in the backyard of our home that can be used for the office space to house the work as it is being completed. Anyway, this is a project that is starting and will be ongoing for a while. Since you all know Simba and his story, I am asking you to help me get this powerful testimony into a format that people can read and share with others. If you wish to help with this project, send an email to our US office, uzimausa@ywamuzima.org and they will respond with an invitation email allowing you to give via credit card. Or, if you prefer, you can send a check to UZIMA, P.O. Box 1875, Silverdale, WA 98383. Be sure you put on the check that this is for the Simba translation project.
Thank you so much for your love and prayers
Much love from
Lyle and Jette, Rachel, Acacia, Mikaela, Naomi