TTN: This year 24 church plants, 2 big crusades, 7 ministry trips into the swamps , 3 outreach teams came, 3 clinics built, 4 containers of medical equipment distributed. Lots of training seminars. Many set free from spiritual oppression. Big outreach into Tanzania (Rufiji Delta & Masai land) which has opened big doors for the future.

Masai: Very successful trip to Masai Land. The first year 100 came to seminar,
last year about 250, this year just over 1000.

Rufiji Delta: Still about 100 thousand yet to hear the gospel. A massive area. Together with YWAM we will continue to prepare the way of the Lord into this area. A big task, we need you to get behind us in prayer, finances and your presence. Commitments to prayer and support are always needed. Pray for laborers, be one! God is moving all the time, come let us move with him.
The major least-reached group in Zambia:
The white farmers: Over decades they have been either forced out of their African home nations or killed. Many have come to Zambia to rebuild their lives and farms. They have no interest in God. Ministry is not only to the indigenous folks but also our own skin colour. Building trusting relationships can take years with hardened people and there are many. You and I are Jesus to many, let us live this role with honor…...
Times are changing - Are you?
Every part of life is influenced by change which leads us to question our self, future, government, church, God. With questions, compromise can come in. Millions claim to be Christians, but by looking who can tell? God and his kingdom is replaced by me and my kingdom. Rather “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” Being righteous is to do things right according to God, not self. Giving up my rights, not proclaiming them. We are to change the world, not be changed by it. “Let us change with the times, but not be changed.”
Greetings also from Simba Ulanga. He is still going strong despite the persecution. He catches up on his sleep on his “days off” in prison. He is in need of support.
It has been 4 years. Hall family ‘planning’ a trip to Denmark (April-May) and USA (June-July). We would love to see you in your cell, home, youth groups, churches. Let us know.
The girls are all doing very well in school. We chose to start homeschooling them last year, and although we have up-and-down days, I know we have made the right decision, because not once have they wished they could go back to the local school they went to for a year.
Rachel is now 12 years old. She decided to donate 10 inches of her hair to ‘Locks of Love’, so had her hair cut short on her birth-day this year. She is very fond of reading, but friends and pets are even more important than books!
Acacia is 9½. She made her hair longer by having extensions braided in, as you can see in this picture. She had the braids for a month and then she and her friends spent a couple of afternoons un-braiding her hair again!
Mikaela will be 8 in January. She spends a lot of time playing with her three best friends right here in the neighbour-hood. Sadly, they will all three be leaving in January, so we are praying for some new great friends for her.
All three girls are learning to play both piano and recorder. They will be playing ‘Silent Night’ on their recorders at our Christmas Eve service this year as well as singing a Danish Carol.
Naomi just turned 4. She walks around the house singing, “We miss you a Merry Christmas, we miss you a Merry Christmas...” She still loves her preschool and is learning her numbers, colors, shapes etc. Her English vocabulary is really growing, but not so much her Danish. She understands everything we say in Danish, but seems to prefer speaking English at the moment.
Jette’s parents came out for a 3-week visit, we had a wonderful time with them. And the kids had someone beside their mom to speak to in Danish!
Right after they left we were able to go and hear Händel’s “Messiah” in a beautiful cathedral in Lusaka. What a masterpiece in music, and what a worshipful experience it was!
Jette: Although home school and family take most of my time, I also enjoy hosting a weekly Ladies Bible Study, as well as being part of a worship team at church. And having attended a week of sign language teaching, I am finding that God is giving me a burden for the deaf young people at the church, we attend. They have a great ministry to the deaf. I just hope I can learn to understand more of what they are saying….
It is so beautiful to see them sing with their hands on Sunday mornings. I especially love watching them when we sing “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know, He holds the future. And life is worth living just because He lives.” Yes, Jesus is truly ‘Immanuel’, God with us!
Merry Christmas everyone and a Blessed New Year. Hope to see many of you in 2011!
“Join our Village” The Hall family is looking for 50 committed partners to our life and ministry. Committed to prayer and $40-50 monthly support. Prayer keeps us spiritually, $ keeps us physically. We live on the front line and homeland support is crucial. An African proverb says, “It takes a whole village to wrap around a baobab tree.” Come join hands with us for the baobab is a big tree. Thank you & God Bless