“A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees, oh, hear the angel voices,
O night divine, o night when Christ was born! ...”
This year we’ve asked each member of the family to share
with you one or two highlight of this very eventful year, as well as something
they like about Christmas.
“I love that we can be with family and friends at Christmas
to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Thinking up and making gifts to give to my
family and friends. Christmas carol cd’s that are on all the time, and
Christmas movies.”
Acacia (10): “Something I
really liked about this year is all my new friends at the school in Denmark,
where we went for three months, and getting to have play-dates with most of the
girls in my class. And being in a really cool summer-house for 4 days with all
our cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles. There was a small pool outside, a
Jacuzzi and sauna inside, and we could walk down to the beach.”
“I love the Christmas music that you can worship with, and
baking Christmas cookies and making Christmas cards. And all the decorations
and the Christmas tree.”
“My favorite part of Christmas is that we give gifts because
Jesus was a gift for us. I like the Christmas tree, how there is an angel or a
star at the top. I got to decorate most of our tree this year. And I love the
full stockings on Christmas morning.”
“I love Christmas!!! - Why?
- Just because! … Because I like
to pull things out of the stocking, and I like the tree, and the beautiful
manger scene that daddy’s grandma made a long time ago.”
Jette: “I think that aside from
being with family in USA and Denmark again after four years, one of my
highlights was how my family spoiled me on my birthday. We were at the beach
flat in South Africa. They brought me tea in bed before fixing a nice pancake
breakfast. My husband took me out on a lunch-date, and I got to walk on the
beach at sunset with him too. Then the girls prepared a special bath for me,
with candles, little lavender twigs, and lots of small white and pink flowers
floating in the tub… I should have many birthdays every year!!”
“Christmas is a great time. Seeing the children’s excitement
with everything, and the challenge to stay focused on the Christmas message in
the midst of the fun and busyness. I love the candles and the Advent wreath as
well as all the fantastic Christmas Carols, new and old, Danish and English.
The message of Emmanuel - “God with us”- just never ceases to amaze me!”

One of the highlights for me was my travelling alone by car
from Kabwe to Cape Town (2,200 miles), picking up a few hitchhikers and ministering
to them, days of self time and thought and seeing the millions of new flowers
that carpeted the vast plains of Southern Namibia and the northern part of
South Africa. In that part of Africa 3 out of 7 years there is basically no
rain but yet after years of drought the roots/seeds still blossom. Though the world seems to being dying in many
parts the earth still brings glory to its Creator. It was just a joy to my soul
to see that part of God in that little part of his splendor.”
“My favorite part of Christmas is the rainy season here
where everything becomes green and of course all the folks who come to our
house for coffee or dinner is always a pleasure.”
“Always remember that if you would like to come out for a
great ministry and adventurous time in Africa you are most welcome. Karibuni.”
Merry Christmas to you all and many
blessings in the New Year.
Much love from Rachel, Acacia, Mikaela, Naomi, Lyle and