
July 2015

Friday, June 1, 2012

News from Lyle

Hello all,
In the past two days, I have received a couple of text messages from Lyle, telling a bit about their trip to Masai Land so far...

  They are back in Tanzania after some days in Kenya. The first day, 15 churches came together for teaching, then 2 days of teaching and speaking to  about 50 church leaders.
  Also, our dentist friend Doc. Rick has been pulling lots of teeth. Lyle says, if our girls could see all the decay an rotten teeth, they would start brushing their teeth at least 4 times a day... They have 2 more clinic days there. In that area there is only 1 dentist for every 150,000 or more people. Lyle says he still doesn't think he'll ever want to be a dentist... There is always so much work to be done.
  The trip back across the border took a long time, many hours of waiting because the car that was taking them kept breaking down and the roads are really bad.
  Yesterday, they went to the Warrior Ceremony, which is a rare treat since outsiders are very rarely allowed or invited to come.
  Lyle and Doc. Rick have to share a bed, "at least it is a mattress, which is softer than the cowhides, that most of the people here sleep on." They mostly get to eat only once a day, but it isn't too bad, he says.
    Just now tonight, he said, "We are having dinner with the Masai chief in his mud house, talking about community issues. They have been wanting me to build them a clinic, but I keep encouraging them to build it themselves, they don't need the white man!"
  He says he's been getting some great photos, so that will be great to see! He will have many more stories to tell too, when he gets back.
So stay tuned!!

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