
July 2015

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Countdown to Africa

Africa calls...    
We have been in full swing since we left Missouri the end of February. We have been privileged to meet many long-time friends but also made some great new friends. Lots of visiting and speaking opportunities with great ministry times in different churches, home groups and around kitchen tables.

    Ministry doors continue to open not only in Tanzania but throughout East Africa; and now getting invitations into West Africa. In recent years the Lord has been leading us into a lot more of teaching/preaching and raising up the next generation of local Africans into ministry. Jette and the girls will continue to home school, but will be involved in other ministry as time allows.

     Our departure for Tanzania is May 17 out of Seattle, WA, with a planned layover in Dubai, we arrive TZ on May 23. We will be busy the moment we arrive with buying a vehicle and starting construction of our house outside of Iringa. We look forward to working more closely with the Moyer families there. We recently received news that our work and residence permit have come through. That is a huge answer to prayer!
     We have been able to raise about $10,000 for a vehicle but are looking to bring that to about 15K. Vehicles and just about everything else is expensive there due to all things being imported. If you would like to pitch in, click here Frontline Perspectives, which is also Lyle's new blog, so check it out!.

We have had many wonderful opportunities to speak and share our love
for missions and for discipleship in Africa. Here we are in Stephenville, Texas.

This sabbatical has been a rich time for us all. We have been refreshed, challenged, and so blessed by the goodness of God in every way! The girls have a lot of mixed feelings; they are excited for what awaits us in Tanzania, but at the same time there is great sadness from all the goodbyes. We asked each of the girls to share different aspects of this transition process.

    One summer we went on a week long rafting trip on the Salmon River, Idaho. It was so much fun, we spent the nights out on the beaches and there were millions of stars every night. I made lots of friends there. We also got to go cliff jumping, which was an awesome part of the trip. By the end I was sad to leave.
   There was a time we went on a canoe trip on the Weekiwachi River in Florida. I went with one of my best friends, Mary. We got to see a manatee and a bunch of fish. It had been a long time since I had seen her so that was a big highlight.
     Another time my sisters and I went on a hike in the Rocky Mountains with some of our cousins in Colorado. The view from the top was amazing and I was very happy to spend time with my cousins.
     Going to Denmark to see our family one Christmas and then go skiing in Norway was also a highlight for me.
    I will miss all my friends, but I also look forward to making many new memories in Africa!

Naomi:  What I Learned at World Revival Church
    I learned to feel when God's presence is in the room. I learned to pray and pray hard. I learned to worship God with all my might, soul, spirit, and most of all with my heart and my mind. I learned not to be afraid of the chatter in my ears that say I am ugly or I'm bad at acting or stuff like that, but I don't  listen to them, I only listen to God's truth. I learned to speak life to everyone I talk to. I also learned to trust the Lord in all I do. I learned to obey what God wants me to do. I also learned to have faith.
     But most of all, I learned that everyone on the entire earth has a purpose for being in this generation!


Thoughts on Goodbyes   
By Rachel

You know how people say, "With practice things get easier." That is partially true! Like when it comes to packing your bags on a short moment's notice, sleeping in a different house every night, and getting along with siblings in cramped spaces, like our car. Well, maybe that one needs a little more practice.... Getting in and out of the car fast, and falling asleep in the car fast, we're really good at that one! I have found, however, that it is not true of all things; saying goodbye for instance.

There is a quote that goes:
" Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting."
It's hard to admit, because I like to think I'm tough and fearless,
but, that is one of my personal fears; forgetting and being forgotten.
I don't mean always being thought about or something,
not that I want to be remembered and nobody makes other friends
or that they can't move on.
Just that we're still friends,
That you'll hear a song and remember
that we used to sing it together.
That you'll play a game and remember
all the laughs we got out of it.
That you would laugh to yourself
when you remember something stupid I said or did,
That you wouldn't hesitate to text or call
when you get bored, sad or frustrated.
That even though we might not have spoken in a while
we'd still be there for one another.
Not not moving on with our lives because I know we have to!
But it's forgetting, It's losing you, that worries me the most!


What the Lord has taught me here.   By Acacia

    The Lord has taught me not to hold back from people when they're being open to me. I told myself at first, that I would not connect with people because we never stay in one place very long, so I know I'll have to eventually say goodbye; and saying goodbye always breaks something inside of me. But I have learned that it is always worth making friends no matter how long or short we get to be friends.
     He also taught me not to be ashamed about being a Christian, because when we're in church or with people we're comfortable around, we think to ourselves "I'm not ashamed about my faith." But how strong is our faith really when we get out of our comfort zone?
"From Sea..."
This is the Atlantic Ocean in the background,
on the East Coast of the USA, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

"... To Shining Sea."
Here we are at the Pacific Ocean on the Oregon Coast.
We have driven coast to coast 4 times during this sabbatical!
We got the chance to have a quick get-away to Hawaii last month.
Sort of like an early celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary coming up in June.

Thank you all for your continued prayer and support.
We'd love to hear from you, so please stay in touch!


Annemieke Dingemanse said...

Hi Guys, Good to read your new blog. The sharing of the girls is touching me deeply. So honest about how it is to live in a missionary family, with all the good and best things. It is amazing to read the deep lessons God has tauhgt them. it makes me sad and grateful at the same time. The deep lessons the our open for and willing to learn and alos to share with "the world" is so precious. It is a lesson some adults will never learn. It has been the biggest lesson in my live. Being honest about what is living in my heart, also the struggle and pain had opened so mucht other hearts. Dear girls keep on going, God has great purposes for you all! He WAS, IS AND WILL BE faithfull to you, where ever you go and wathever you feel! Allthough to the girls we will be strangers :-) you all have a place in our hearts!

God bless you! Love Annemieke (CDTS 2003 Denmark)

Nathan said...

Your insights are priceless.
I especially loved Naomi's thoughts. I've seen her many times in what I can imagine were some of the moments that she describes here. Very precious moments, and even though I was only a spectator in those, I'm honored to be one who witnessed God molding her life.
Your family is ALWAYS in our thoughts & prayers.

fymmom said...

We love you all so very much. When you came into our home, you walked right into our hearts, as well. Please know you are always in our prayers!
Rachel and Brian