
July 2015

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Summer Newsletter 2006 Hall’s Happenings


If you remember I had gone on a prayer walk, the original prayer walk down south never happened due to some major problems so we went north to Burundi and walked down to Kigoma. The long report mixed with many cultural things is soon to be on our web site.


There have been various ministry trips out on the lake in different villages with visiting teams. There will be about 11 teams this year from abroad. Sleeping in huts or tents. I have been asked to speak in many different churches and have been teaching in a bible college here, which I have truly enjoyed. I have never actually written an exam before, I have taken many; now I write the exams and score them, imagine that. We will start to minister in a special camp for those who are blind, crippled, leprosy etc. With no families, they are left here, so we will step in and bring a spark of joy and a smile to their lives. Different ministry opportunities with kids have opened up as well as working with a Muslim family that has become Christians and are now being persecuted for it. They lost their jobs. The wife even had her sewing machine taken away. So we are helping out where we can. I have been in 7 different debates with Muslim leaders by personal invitation. It has been challenging but I have truly presented the gospel starting from Gen. to Rev. Some of you may have heard of my time at this mosque some years ago. The crowds are at least 1000 people and even up to 2000. Pray for us, the battles here are spiritual, yes they mostly come in the form of man but spiritual they are. Life is spiritual here more than just truth, as we westerners think. We must reach them in spirit. We often just give them truth but the spirit is not there to reveal this truth so it mostly just becomes head knowledge. A hard bridge to cross.

Family Highlights

RACHEL: Rachel is in home school and always has her mind on having fun. She is growing lots. A great thinker, taking piano and wants to be tough like the boys.

ACACIA: She wants to be a girl, she’s also is in school, loves her life but finds it hard to be the middle kid. Some moments are hard, but there is always a smile behind her big beautiful eyes.

MIKAELA: Who she wants to be like is hard to say, she is all her own. Tough but likes to look pretty with mom’s lipstick generally smeared around the face. Loves all types of animals.

BABY: Ok yes, they say that real missionary families have 4 kids so we thought we would try to qualify.. Jette is 4 months now. Hope for a boy. I need a boy in this house.Animal life: So far 9 rabbits, 1 dog, 3 snakes, 2 chameleons, 1 cat, and 10 birds.


We are still on the look out for a ship, some good possibilities but. The hangar for the helicopter will be built starting next month so progress is coming. Another nurse plus the doctor and his wife will join us in two months or so. Look at the Uzima report soon to be sent out.

Family Prayer Points
- safe pregnancy for Jette
- for the three teams coming out soon
- pray for a person/teacher to come out and give a hand in home schooling
- Gods favor on the work here, there have been some tough times here for us