
July 2015

Monday, August 27, 2007

Simba Ulanga #5

It has been a long time since you have heard anything about Simba’s case due to many things, my apologies.

A late report on Simba Ulangas last appearance in court April 20th.After a three day trip by car, bus and train Simba arrived in Kigoma. The hearing did not take long; he was just informed that his court date has been postponed until June 29th.

There were many mixed feelings over this. What do we do with this man called Simba Ulanga, how do we control his influence?

When Simba was let out on bail his probations were stiff. “You are not allowed to hold any public debates, you are not allowed to even read the scriptures if you are preaching to any public gathering.”

I believe what is happening is that if they put him back in prison, this will cause a big stir among the Christians and they will for sure take actions. If they release him from their custody than he will continue to go on holding debates and preach in open air meetings, but if they continue to postpone his court dates than the court wins both ways and keep both the Christians and the Muslims content, this also keeps Simba off the streets. Sounds good, let’s do it. A smart move or not, this is what is happening.

The rest of his team continues to travel holding open debates and teaching seminars around the country of Tanzania. Simba has said that he will travel with them to different places but his involvement will be limited. Simba just mentioned to me the other day that Daniel, one of his team members was also now involved in prison time and now in court cases over the same issues.

One may argue if debates are really the way to go. Debating is arguing and ends up doing more harm than good. Well we all have our opinions, but culturally speaking holding debates is quite effective in an African context. In Kigoma after this whole thing with Simba at least three high ranking Muslim leaders (these are Simba’s targets) have given their lives to the Lord. It sounds similar to the ministry life of the Apostle Paul, he often went to the temple to debate scriptures with the religious leaders.

Now these three converted Muslims from Kigoma are on the run to keep from being killed. Different church members have taken these into hiding. But this is a different story. I have some stories how the Lord has truly intervened on their trail of death but there are some stories that end in murderous deaths of these new believers. Why some live and some not, only God knows.

What I long to see is a type of Safe House for new Muslim converts to find a place of refuge. Create a place of refuge where these new believers can get a bed, discipleship, a bit of support, and see that they get started out in a good way. For many new converts from many different religions not just Islam, the day they give their life to the Lord or when they are water baptized, they loose family, house, job, and friends. These new converts need someone there to help them through this time.

How many sermons end with the great promises of God’s abundant love, his blessings and his comforts when you give your life over to him? He will never leave you nor forsake you.
For many though, salvation costs them their whole life and literally life itself in many cases.It does not seem to cost westerners very much because we really do not have to give up anything. Many just go on living as they did before with some minor changes. God is added to there already busy schedule.

Many people marvel at the edge that Simba and his team live. The way God is using them in mighty ways. Many want to live on this edge as well but find it hard to bare the price of the cross. We all want the power of the resurrection, but first it is the cross we must go through.
Let us not loose faith in our calling. Many people have not necessarily lost their faith; they have just lost their need for it. For without faith, it is impossible to please God.Hebrews 11:6
I have just heard again from Simba about his last court the 29th of June, it was short and sweet. All charges have been dropped, you are a free man.

Simba again has asked that I say thank you for the different support that has come in. He is now looking for some good interpreters to begin with some of the translation work that needs to be done.

Simba did mention also that he was on his way to the city of Mwanza to work with his team mate Daniel to get him out of his prison and court situation.Keep them in your prayers.
Blessings to you all as we continue to do our part to see the Glory of God influence those around us.
